Wrapping up Java Syntax
1. Introduction to Java
1.1 Essentials
1.2 Objects
2. Lists
2.1 Mystery of the Walrus
2.2 The SLList
2.3 The DLList
2.4 Arrays
2.5 The AList
3. Testing
3.1 A New Way
4. Inheritance, Implements
4.1 Intro and interfaces
4.2 Extends, Casting, Higher Order Functions
4.3 Subtype Polymorphism vs. HOFs
4.4 Java libraries and packages
5. Generics and Autoboxing
5.1 Autoboxing
5.2 Immutability
5.3 Generics
6. Exceptions, Iterators, Iterables, Object Methods
6.1 Lists, Sets, and ArraySet
6.2 Throwing Exceptions
6.3 Iteration
6.4 Object Methods
Throwing Exceptions (legacy)
Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions (legacy)
Iteration (legacy)
7. Packages and Access Control
7.1 Packages
7.2 Access Control
8. Efficient Programming
8.1 Encapsulation, API's, ADT's
8.2 Asymptotics I
8.3 Asymptotics II
8.4 Omega, Amortized Analysis
9. Disjoint Sets
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Quick Find
9.3 Quick Union
9.4 Weighted Quick Union (WQU)
9.5 WQU with Path Compression
10. ADTs
10.1 Intro to ADTs
10.2 Trees
11. Balanced Trees
11.1 Intro to B-Trees
11.2 B-Trees
11.3 B-Tree invariants and runtime
11.4 Rotating Trees
11.5 Red-Black Trees
12. Hashing
12.1 A first attempt
12.2 Inserting words
12.3 Inserting Strings and Overflow
12.4 Handling Collisions
12.5 Hash Table and Fixing Runtime
13. Heaps and Priority Queues
13.1 PQ Interface
13.2 Heaps
13.3 Implementation Consideration
14. A Brief Summary
14.1 Data Structures Summary
15. Tries
15.1 Introduction to Tries
15.2 Implementation and Performance
15.3 String Operations
16. QuadTrees
16.1 Uniform Partitioning
16.2 QuadTrees
16.3 K-D Trees
17. Tree Traversals and Graphs
17.1 Tree recap
17.2 Tree Traversals
17.3 Graphs
17.4 Graph Problems
18. Graph Traversals and Representation
18.1 BFS
18.2 Representing Graphs
19. Shortest Paths
19.1 Recap
19.2 Dijkstra's
19.3 A*
20. Minimum Spanning Trees
20.1 MSTs and Cut Property
20.2 Prim's and Kruskal's
21. Reductions and Decomposition
21.1 Topological Sort and DAGs
21.2 Shortest Path on DAGs
21.3 Longest Path
21.4 Reductions and Decomposition
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14. A Brief Summary
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